The Thursday Treadmill


For the past several months, Thursdays have been my least favorite day of the week—the day I get treatment.

I’ve been repeating this cycle since June. After my treatment day, then Friday, Saturday and at least part of Sunday are recovery days, as the lack of energy and nausea keep me lying flat a lot of that time. Then, Monday through Wednesday I feel good enough for normal life again. Having the “normal” days are great, but mixed. I feel as though I have to pack a week’s worth of work, errands and even social stuff in that timeline. The time slips away fast—too fast—and suddenly I’m back on Thursday treadmill again.

My facial expression wrinkles at the thought of chemo.

In fairness, I did get a week off from treatment during the week of my birthday, September 13. The two weeks without drinking the weed killer were glorious, to say the least! Elizabeth and Pippa and I stayed at my family’s cabin in Minnesota; being there proved a refreshing reprieve, to say the least.

On my birthday, Elizabeth and Pippa and climbed to the top of the Tulaby Lake Firetower. Atop the 110-foot tower, views of the maple trees beginning to change color were amazing. 

In reality, even when I’m back in the grind of treatment weeks, I have a lot to be thankful for. I am glad that the treatment is working. I am also grateful that I’ve felt well enough to keep working—at least part time. The productivity is good for my soul. Though my life is certainly not normal these days, at least I can still keep contributing to Lifelines and Cru ministries.

On another note, if you think of Elizabeth and I, please keep us in your prayers. My treatment is getting progressively harder every week (on Elizabeth, too)—which is not surprising. The body can only tolerate so much. A certain Scripture has been especially inspirational: Romans 12:12. “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and persistent in prayer (BSB translation).”

I think this is relevant for anyone, but especially for those battling circumstances like cancer or other ongoing problems. Join with me in this rally call to keep a firm grip on hope, be patient through the Spirit’s power and continually bringing requests to the Father!

I look forward to this Thursday passing quickly, so I can return to the better part of the week 🙂



The three of us, along with Elizabeth’s mom, visited Itasca State Park, including the headwaters of the Mississippi River. 


Saying goodbye to summer at the lake is always melancholy. This year, I helped my dad put away the main dock, by floating it toward the boat ramp, and then pulling onshore with a Bobcat. 

4 thoughts on “The Thursday Treadmill

  1. Chris and Elizabeth, I am currently the caregiver for my husband as well. What a battle you are fighting Chris and Elizabeth, I know it is sometimes forgotten that you as a caregiver are fighting an extremely exhausting battle for your husbands life as well. Strength to you both as you attend to the work of healing, body and spirit. May you stay close to each others feelings and tend to each others hearts. Much love

    • Hi Brooke. Thanks for writing. Congrats on your recent marriage; I’m very happy for you! Yes the caregivers are right in the trenches and I wish you and your husband blessing and healing as well.

  2. Chris,
    What a vivid picture you paint. The John Keats quotation comes to mind ‘..Illness is a long lane…’
    Thursday after Thursday you are reminded that cancer is a long lane — wearyingly long — desperately long. But Jesus has promised that He is with you ‘all the days, even to the end of the age…’ ‘Is it true? Has Jesus really walked with you into and then through each of those Thursday’s that you write of? I believe He has, and I know that you do too. You are walking with Jesus into and then through one terrible and painful Thursday after the next. Praying for you Chris and Elizabeth — what a treadmill you walk.

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