We loved hiking in Boulder with 64 degree weather—not too shabby for December!
After months of consistency, I fell off the blog wagon in
the past several weeks. Here’s to more updates in 2017.
I will attempt to fill in some gaps. Looking back at December, Elizabeth and Pippa and I spent two weeks in Colorado for Christmas and New Years. While it wouldn’t be fair to call the whole time a vacation (the advantage of working in communications is that you can work from anywhere—which is also the disadvantage) there were certainly some relaxing days with friends and family in Colorado Springs and Longmont. We have had a lot to be thankful for, and there is nothing like sharing it with family and friends—though we only saw a fraction of the friends we wanted to. Here are some highlights from the trip:
- A three-week stretch with no treatment. I cannot tell you how glorious I felt—better than I have in months. There were certainly cues that my energy is not all I am used to, but I was thankful to feel as close to “normal” as I can right now.
- Lots of Colorado Sunshine. I can’t emphasize how great it was to just be out and about in the Colorado sun. I’ve gotten so used to the land of 300 plus days of sun per year. The light and heat boosted my mood and soul, not to mention it helps heat up the temperatures. One day in Boulder, it hit 64 degrees! I love “winter” in Colorado.
- Hiking, hiking and more hiking. Part of the bonus of feeling well offered the opportunity to get outside and hike as much as possible—nothing too crazy (no Incline) just getting out there. Elizabeth and Pip and I hiked at Garden of the Gods, Red Rock Canyon Open Space, as well as Lake McIntosh in Longmont and also in the Flatirons near Boulder.
- Staying at our house in Longmont. We have been in a strange season of geographic upheaval, moving states and three different addresses in the past 9 months. Very few places have felt like “home.” But our house in Longmont still does—maybe more than any building does right now—and it was nice to enjoy this for a short weekend. The only downside was that a lot of our friends we are used to seeing were out of town.
- Eating lots of Thai food and Chipotle. This is something we have often taken for granted, but there are no Thai restaurants or Chipotle in Sioux Falls. So, while in Colorado we dined at both as much as possible. I love curry as much as Oprah loves bread. And Chipotle’s quacamole is the best—$1.95 well spent.
We got back to South Dakota shortly after New Years and tried to settle back in a bit. I was thankful to say goodbye to 2016—which will go down as my hardest year yet. In 2017, I am looking forward to seeking new adventures, finishing the outdoor devotional I have been working on and especially the hope of becoming cancer free.
Here’s to good things in 2017.
- Too Cool for 2016…Happy New Year!